Singing Guide: Captain Future

Singing Guide: Captain Future

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Captain Future is a fictional character first featured in science fiction novels written by Edmond Hamilton. The character later appeared in various adaptations, including a 1978 animated TV series. Captain Future, also known as Curtis Newton, was born and raised on the Moon after his parents were murdered by space pirates. He went on to become an adept scientist and adventurer, fighting against evil forces across the galaxy.

Captain Future is known for his high-pitched, heroic voice. To learn how to sing like him, you should focus on vocal techniques that allow you to maintain high notes for extended periods of time while conveying a sense of conviction and bravery.

One of Captain Future's most iconic songs is "Captain Future Theme Song," which showcases the singer's range and power. To learn how to sing this song effectively, you should start by taking Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your own vocal range. This will help you identify which notes you can sing comfortably and which ones you should practice.

It's important to warm up your vocal cords properly before attempting to sing any song, especially one like the Captain Future theme song. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training and the Farinelli breathing exercise are great tools to use for this purpose. You should also practice good posture and breath support to ensure that you have the physical stamina to maintain notes for long periods of time.

In terms of vocal technique, you should focus on developing your chest voice and falsetto to achieve the high-pitched sound characteristic of Captain Future's singing. The Singing Comfort Zone video will help you understand how to use your chest voice effectively, while the Chest Voice Explained lesson will teach you how to transition between chest voice and falsetto smoothly.

Finally, to channel Captain Future's heroism and bravery, it's important to practice performing with emotion and intention. Use Singing Carrots' tips for performing on stage and singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking to learn how to connect with your audience and deliver a powerful, high-pitched performance.

With the right vocal techniques and plenty of practice, you can learn to sing like Captain Future and deliver memorable performances of his iconic theme song.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.